Noise monitoring and control in steel industry as an innovation arm: Mini mill EAF steel plant

Document Type : Original research papers


1 Environment and Industrial Safety Dept., Baltic state technical university "Voenmeh", Saint-Petersburg, Russia

2 Tabbin Institute for Metallurgical Studies (TIMS), Cairo, Egypt

3 Tabbin Institute for Metallurgical Studies, TIMS, Egypt

4 - Tabbin Institute for Metallurgical Studies, (TIMS) Cairo, Egypt. - Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute, Cairo, Egypt


The sustainable development goals (SDGs) for the United Nations are the main factors that determine and form the future of industry and economy global wise. Green industry is the key word in any new investment and economic project which makes the investors working for upgrading and developing the ongoing industries in order to fit with SDGs requirements and principles from one side and to keep the line of following the sustainability requirements for the new projects from the other side. Metallurgical industries re considered the most changing industries to follow sustainability boundaries and SDGs due to the huge amount of natural resources used (raw materials and ores), huge amount o energy (mostly fossil energy) and a plenty of required water. One of the important measures for sustainability as it affects safety and health of labors is the noise. Noise affects the health of workers and can be reason of fatal incidents and be a source of economic drawback in such heavy industry. This article clarifies the research work to evaluate the noise at steel plant and how it’ll be studies and consider the methodology to overcome the harms results from it in way to hep such important industry to be eco-friendly and sustainable.


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