Mining and Its Potential Effects on the environment – A review of Some Cases in the Arab Republic of Egypt. التعدين وتأثيراته المحتملة علي البيئة ـ استعراض بعض الحالات بجمهورية مصر العربية

Document Type : Review Articles


Nuclear Materials Authority, Cairo, Egypt


Mining is the process in which important minerals are searched and excavated from the earth's surface or the bottoms of the oceans. And the soil, despite the abundance of geological studies, which confirm that Egypt is rich in its mineral wealth of gold, iron, phosphate and copper, etc. and other important minerals, but most of these resources have not yet been exploited. For example, we find that phosphates in Egypt are one of the most important mineral deposits in terms of both mining and economic aspects, and because its production was and still occupies a prominent place in the mining field. The reason for that is the spread of the wide presence of phosphates in Egypt, as it is found in the form of a belt of phosphate deposits that extends to a distance of about 750 km from the Red Sea coast in the east to the Dakhla oases in the west. As for its economic importance, it is summarized in the fact that it is exported abroad in large quantities, and part of it is manufactured in the form of chemical fertilizers classified as a type of superphosphate (1). In order to determine the possibility of benefiting from this sector in advancing the economic development process in Egypt, it is necessary to define the geography of this sector in Egypt, and thus the possibility of determining its importance and what are the obstacles that this sector faces. Solutions and proposals have been put in place to provide an integrated vision for developing this sector in Egypt. Through the hypothesis: Lack of interest in the positive and negative effects of the mining sector in general and phosphate, in particular, contributes to the failure to raise the rates of economic and environmental development in Egypt. Therefore, the research was based on structuring three axes, the first axis concerned with the general framework of the research and the second axis: the environmental and economic dimensions of mining (phosphate), as a basic scientific basis to clarify what will be dealt with in the third axis: which is to shed light on the state of application of mining and its potential effects on the environment in In the Arab Republic of Egypt (an applied case on Egyptian phosphates). Therefore, the research was based on structuring three axes, the first axis concerned with the general framework of the research and the second axis: the environmental and economic dimensions of mining (phosphate), as a basic scientific basis to clarify what will be dealt with in the third axis: which is to shed light on the applied state of mining and its potential effects on the environment in In the Arab Republic of Egypt (an applied case on Egyptian phosphates).

التعدين هو العملية التي يتم فيها البحث والتنقيب عن المعادن المهمة من سطح الأرض، وتتم هذه العملية عن طريق حفر الأرض للوصول إلى المعادن المهمة، ويمكن أن يشكل التعدين خطراً كبيرأ محتملاً على البيئة ، أن مصر غنية بثرواتها المعدنية من ذهب وحديد وفوسفات ونحاس وغيرها من المعادن الهامة، ، فعلى سبيل المثال نجد أن الفوسفات في مصر واحداً من أهم الرواسب المعدنية من الناحيتين، التعدينية والاقتصادية،وأهميته الاقتصادية تتلخص في أنه يصدر إلى الخارج بكميات كبيرة. كما يوجد معوقات تواجهه هذا القطاع، لذلك لابد من بحث عوامل الإستثمار والبعد التنموي له بشقيه الإقتصادي والبيئي، لذلك تم وضع مقترح يهدف لتقديم رؤية متكاملة لتنمية هذا القطاع من خلال فرضية عدم الإهتمام بالتأثيرات الإيجابية والسلبية بقطاع التعدين يساهم في عدم رفع معدلات التنمية الإقتصادية والبيئية تضمن البحث ثلاث محاور، المحور الأول بالإطار العام والمحور الثاني : الأبعاد البيئية والإقتصادية للتعدين ، المحور الثالث التعدين وتأثيراته المحتمله علي البيئة حالة تطبيقية علي الفوسفات.


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