Characterization and upgrading of Abu Shaar manganese ores using dry high-intensity magnetic separation

Document Type : Original research papers


1 Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority (EMRA), Abbasia, Cairo, Egypt.

2 Central Metallurgical Research & Development Institute (CMRDI), Helwan, Cairo, Egypt.

3 Mining and Metallurgy Department, Tabbin Institute for Metallurgical Studies (TIMS), Tabbin, Helwan 109, Cairo, 11421, Egypt


Currently, the high-grade resources of manganese ores are decreased, and the high-grade ores are gradually depleted. Hence, the upgrading of low-grade manganese ores in an efficient way has become essential in terms of sustainable innovation for industry development. In this study, high-grade manganese could be effectively recovered from oolitic low-grade manganese ore, which is located in the Abu Shaar area, northwest of Hurghada. Characterization study of the head sample was carried out by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX) and petrography microscopic investigation. The effect of the attrition scrubbing process and dry magnetic separation technique on the upgrading of low-grade manganese ore was investigated. The attrition scrubbing process combined with the dry magnetic separation technique showed a great role in promoting MnO content, which increased from 33.72 to 44.12%, with a recovery efficiency of 77.22% in -500+250um size fraction. Also, the grade of MnO increased from 35.19 to 40.23%, with a recovery efficiency of 84.93% in -250+75um size fraction.


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